Condition of winter crops in Russia - focus on spring crop




APK-Inform carried our polling of Russian farmers to see the situation with winter crops. Due to unfavorable weather in several regions, number of agrarians informed about lower planted area under winter crops and poor crops conditions. The material provides estimation of winter crops condition as of mid-March and situation with start of spring planting campaign.


Winter grains

According to Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, farmers planted 16.4 mln ha with winter grains. Weather in several regions was unfavorable during planting campaign. Thus, central and south parts of the country faced lack of water and rains, while Ural, West Siberian and part of Volga regions planted grains under abundant rainfall that led to slower fieldwork.

During wintering, most of the regions saw sufficient snow cover favorable for grains. At the same time, several oblasts of Southern, Volga and Central Black Earth regions faced lack of snow cover and low temperatures that caused partial and sometimes full crop failure.

Farmers of Southern region informed that 55% of winter grains were in good condition by the end of March, 40% in favorable and just 5% in unfavorable. Agrarians said that wintering was fair in southern, eastern and partially northern parts of the region. At the same time, more than 50% of winter crops were in unfavorable condition in western and northeastern parts due to bad weather during planting, in particular absence of rains within 1-2 months before planting campaign and poor rains after sowing. Rostov oblast and allied regions of Krasnodar Krai and Stavropol Territory faced the most severe drought. Moreover, early snow melting can lead to fast evaporation of soil moisture. At the same time, most of the farmers of Krasnodar Krai and Stavropol Territory informed about sufficient soil moisture and good crops wintering.

We need to point out, that only 7% of farmers informed about partial replanting of winter crops in Southern region and 2% – about total replanting.

Farmers of Central and Central Black Earth regions informed that more than 40% of winter grains were in good condition. Farmers of Central region informed that planting campaign was carried out under supportive weather that led to good wintering. Thus, 60% of crops were in good condition, 40% in favorable. However, number of agrarians said that they would be able to fully estimate results of wintering in early or mid-April, as there was snow cover on the fields by the end of March. Farmers pointed out that snow will let to have sufficient soil moisture level for spring sowing and end of wintering.

Weather conditions were less supportive for planting in Voronezh, Belgorod and partially Tambov oblasts of Central Black Earth region. Absence of rains in summer, during and after sowing hurt winter grains. Thus, only 40% of crops were in good condition by the end of March, 50% in favorable and 10% in unfavorable. 8% of farmers in the given oblasts informed about full replanting of winter grains and 10% – about partial replanting.

Agrarians of Volga-Vyatka and Volga regions said that weather was not good for planting campaign. The situation was more optimistic in Volga-Vyatka region. 20% of crops were in good condition by the end of March, 70% in favorable and only 10% in unfavorable. Snow cover was sufficient and supportive for wintering and soil moisture level.

At the same time, 25% of crops were in good condition, 55% in favorable and 20% in unfavorable in Volga region due to dry autumn. Volgograd, Samara, Penza and Ulyanovsk oblasts suffered the most. 5% of farmers informed about full replanting of winter grains and 10% – about partial replanting.

About 30-40% of crops were in good condition, 60-70% in favorable in Ural and West Siberian regions. Most of the oblasts of the regions saw supportive weather during planting campaign. However, farmers in number of oblasts of Ural region faced abundant rainfall that led to slower fieldwork and lower planted area.


Winter rapeseed

According to Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, farmers planted 144.4 thsd ha with winter rapeseed. Weather in central and southern parts of the country was unfavorable and hurt the oilseed. Often agrarians informed about lower planted area.

Despite dry weather, farmers of Southern region informed that 20% of winter rapeseed were in good condition by the end of March, 60% in favorable and 20% in unfavorable. However, about 15% of farmers informed about full or partial replanting of winter rapeseed.

More than 70% of the oilseed were in favorable condition, 25% in unfavorable and only 5% in good condition in Central Black Earth and Central regions due to bad weather during planting campaign. Lack of soil moisture led to broken seedlings or its absence. 20% of farmers informed about full or partial replanting of winter rapeseed.


Spring planting campaign

Russia planted spring crops through 821.2 thsd ha as of march 25. Farmers of Southern region started fieldwork. Current weather is optimal for sowing. Most of oblasts has sufficient soil moisture for sprouting. At the same time, farmers of Rostov oblast in the regions close to Volgograd and Voronezh oblasts informed about lack of soil moisture. Spring planting campaign just started and will gain momentum by mid-April.

Individual farmers of Central Black Earth region started fieldwork, while the most of them as well as agrarians of Volga region will start sowing in late April-early May.

Thus, despite unfavorable weather in autumn, generally the wintering was good. However, it is too early to say that the percentage of crop failure and replanting is lower than farmers forecast as a number of regions still see snow cover on fields. Thus, the first results to be voiced in early May.

Some agrarians are optimistic saying that spring planting will help to reduce risks. Wheat, peas, sunflower, corn and soybeans are the main crops planed for replanting.


According to Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the country will plant spring crop through 52.6 mln ha (+7% on year), including 31.1 mln ha (-1.5%) of spring grains and pulses.

The acreage of corn for seeds will reach 2.99 mln ha (+7%) in 2016, rice – 203.8 thsd ha (+2%), buckwheat – 1 mln ha (+4%) and pulses – 1.7 mln ha (+6%). Planted area under spring wheat will decline by 2.5% to 13.2 mln ha, barley – to 8.1 mln ha (-3%).

Sunflower area will stagnate at 7 mln ha and that of soybean to increase by 9.6% to 2.2 mln ha, rapeseed – to 916 thsd ha (+2.5%).


Irina Gritsaj, APK-Inform Agency

