"Ukrainian Agrarian Congress", Kyiv, Ukraine
Oct 15, 2015

Ukraine to plant 50% of planned spring area for sure, other 20% are questionable




The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine forecasts that Ukrainian farmers will plant 50% of planned spring area for sure, other 20% are questionable and 30% will not be planted.

“Even 50% of area will be more than enough for domestic consumption. It is 2 times more than we need, because, if we talk about spring crops, 25% of area will be sufficient. So, we will even have some export potential”, – declared the deputy minister of Agriculture Taras Vysotsky.

He added that 80% of farms are covered with fertilizers for spring planting campaign. The volume of fertilizers available in Ukraine will be enough, as the planted area will be decreased. Seeds availability, both produced in Ukraine and imported, will allow planting of 70% of the area. So, this volume is sufficient for spring planting campaign as well.

“There are logistical problems, as seeds should be delivered to farms. We are dealing with it. We have at least 2 weeks before the mass start of the planting campaign. Moreover, farmers have some volumes of seeds sufficient for the first days of the field works”, – T. Vysotsky added.

The situation with herbicides is worse, as only 50% of farmers have volumes required. However, T. Vysotsky said that the herbicides were applied later and they are not critical. Ukraine will have average crop even if farmers will not apply crop protection products.

“Fuel is the most critical today, as there is a deficit. We will work to redirect some part of required volume of fuel to our farmers, when the planting stats. We will have only 5-6 weeks to plant. If we fail, we will lost the year”, – he explained.

Ukraine is almost out of fuel. It is delivered through western borders. The Ministry is working on faster delivery of fuel to regions.

