Russia: share of 4-grade wheat in the structure of harvested grain still exceeds 40%




As of November 18, the share of 4-grade wheat in the structure of harvested wheat exceeded 40%, reported the Federal State-Funded Institution "Russian Agricultutal Center".

The experts examined 14.02 mln tonnes of wheat (15.9% out of total harvested volume). Particularly, the share of 5-grade wheat totaled 4.05 mln tonnes (28.9%). Share of 4-grade wheat (gluten content 18-22%) totaled 5.62 mln tonnes (40.1%), share of 3-grade wheat (gluten content 23% and higher) totaled 4.13 mln tonnes (29.5%), share of 2-grade wheat (gluten content 28% and higher) totaled 145.8 thsd tonnes (1%), and share of 1-grade wheat (gluten content 32% and higher) totaled 68.9 thsd tonnes (0.5%).

“The estimations are based on laboratory tests of grain samples made by the professional of test laboratories of Institution’s branches in the subject of the Russian Federation”, - was stated in the message.
