Agro-climatic conditions promote spread of plant diseases in Ukraine




Current agro-climatic conditions promote the development and spread of plant diseases in Ukraine, particularly across early dense plantings of winter grain crops, The Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food informs citing the State Service of Ukraine on Food Safety and Consumer Protection.

In particular, on 5-31% of surveyed areas, 2-6% max. 10-15% of plants are affected by powdery mildew and septoriosis in Zhytomyr and Mykolaiv oblasts, 1-4%, max. 8% of plants are affected with root rot in Zhytomyr and Lviv oblasts, 1% of plants are affected with brown leaf rust in Ternopil oblast.

In Zakarpattia, Zhiytomir, Lviv, and Mykolaiv oblasts, 2-7% of winter barley plants are affected by helminthsporiosis.

"With warming (3-5°С) and high air humidity (90-100%), further development of diseases can be expected", – experts note.

Favorable hydrothermal conditions caused the development and spread of winter rapeseed diseases as well.

