Ukraine reduced the planted areas under winter crops — APK-Inform




According to the recent statistics figures, Ukraine planted winter grains for the harvest-2020 throughout the areas of 6.98 mln ha, down 8% compared with the last year level (7.57 mln ha).

In particular, winter wheat planted areas covered 85% of the general areas, or 5.93 mln ha, winter barley — 13% (919 thsd ha), and winter rye — 2% only (123.7 thsd ha).

In the segment of winter wheat, the areas for the next season harvest decreased by 5% compared with the average values for the seven-year period, which became the lowest level since 2014. Also, the areas under winter barley and rye reduced compared with the average annual indicators by 1% and 14%, respectively, added APK-Inform analysts.



You can read more detailed information about the planting campaign, in the topic "Preliminary results of the planting campaign in Ukraine" in the weekly issue Agrimarket Weekly #50 dd. December 23, 2019.

